Yellow Tail Wine from Australia

The yellow Tail wins is designed to suit the U.S. market.


"All of this was completely by design: the accessibility, the flavor profile, and of course, the market dominance. Yellow Tail’s success was based on appealing to a consumer new to wine, and delivering a flavor profile they immediately enjoyed. Whether that flavor profile was indicative of the natural tastes of wine, or was engineered to suit the Coca-Cola tastes of the American consumer is up for debate, but it certainly allowed the brand to achieve the title of one of the fastest growing brands in history. But while that growth made a lot of money for a lot of people and exposed millions of people to Australian wine, there are critics who argue this same brand ultimately undermined Australian wine sales abroad – an accusation Yellow Tail’s winemaker has fired back at –  and that the industry is only now beginning to recover."


accessed 5 August 2019

There was no vineyard with the name Yellow Tail when when the wine was being sold initially.